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8 Email Marketing Mistakes You Must Avoid in 2019

No matter what business you are running, you need an email campaign to reach out to the maximum audience. Email marketing is one such online marketing strategy that has been the major tool for any business wanting to promote its business online.

However, to get the best result out of it, you need to make sure you are doing it in the right way. In case you are not getting the desired result, then there is a good chance you are making some mistakes. If you are not an expert in this strategy, then hiring a professional email marketing company can work for you.

In case you have faced decent success with your email marketing campaigns, you will still benefit out of it. As for now, let us check 8 email marketing mistakes you must avoid for better success in 2019.

1. Missing to welcome subscribers

Therefore, a visitor visited your site, saw your email value proposition and filled out the form fields required to sign up. This shows that they are interested in taking up your service. Therefore, it is time you must contact them by sending a regular newsletter to promote your coupon, service or products. However, it is essential that you send a welcome email that should trigger immediately after signing-up. Ideally, the welcome message has a higher transaction rate and higher-click-through rate. Therefore, it is essential that you draft an engaging welcome mail to the new potential customer. 

2. Never miss the call-to-action

You might be thinking about the business and website every moment. In short, your business is always on your mind. In this case, you also need to consider your customers to make them feel the same. Every mail you send them should carry CTA driving your customers to you. You can use any of the below CTA in the mail-

  • Shop now
  • Join our loyalty program
  • Share this on social media
  • Sign up for the upcoming event
  • So using CTA effectively is important to get a better result.

3. Never send too many emails

Sending too many emails can irritate your customers. After some time, they might even avoid reading your emails. This is certainly a loss for your business. You need to think about how often do one check an email and feel annoyed about the messages you have sent? Receivers must feel happy and expect something new when they receive your mail. To avoid sending too many emails to your potential customers, so their interest in your service stays.

4. Not segmenting your subscribers

If you have a huge email list where you send the same content to every subscriber, then this is the big mistake you are doing. For instance, if you are an IT company and sending a mail to all your subscribers also including your old age customers, then they are least bothered. So sending them mail is a waste. So segmenting your subscribers while sending a mail is essential. 

5. Not meeting up the reader’s expectation

If your email is not fulfilling the expectation of your readers, then they will certainly unsubscribe from the email list. If your website deals with weight loss, then you must send email related to it. Similarly, if your service deals with the coupon, then keep sending latest deals, instead of sending other promotional emails, which they are not interested. Keeping up with readers, the expectation is essential.

6. Delayed Campaigns

Never delay your campaign of sending mails. It won’t take time for customers to erase your service from their mind. As long as you’re not sending the messages frequently, you can still deploy a new campaign to the same people. No matter how many subscribers you have, there’s no reason to hold off.

7. Neglecting Mobile Users

Today, every other person carries a smartphone having email in-built. This allows the user to send and receive mail easily without using the PC. During email marketing, consider mobile users to check how the email will look on the device. Email marketing companies use software having mobile-optimized features. Doing a test run is very important to avoid any mistakes further.

8. Emails with mistakes

Sending emails without proofreading is the biggest mistake. No one would like to read emails having so many mistakes. Proofreading of mails before sending is a smart thing to do. This also looks at your work professional.


Email marketing equally requires a good strategy that can result in a good return, in terms of lead and traffic. This further helps in increasing your business sales. Connecting with the right digital marketing partner for email marketing is a good investment.

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